13th IIBCC, Canberra, Australia, 2012

The 13th International Inorganic Bonded Cement Composites Conference was held at the Australian National University, Canberra from September 10th to 14th 2012, and was organised and managed by Mr Tony Cooke with the assistance of the Technical Committee of IIBCC and particularly Mr Henning Thygesen who managed the website, the email list and prepared newsletters. Professional Conference Organisers (PCO), HiEvent Management Pty Ltd were engaged to manage the presentation of the conference, registrations and accommodation for registrants, organisation of the sponsors and exhibitors, formatting and publication of the proceedings.
The conference comprised 3 components Fibre Cement course, Conference Proper and Site Visits
As a 2-day course the Fibre Cement Course covered the basics of fibre cement composites and was a new initiative of this conference. While originally targeted at new entrants to the fibre cement industry, it attracted a wider audience and was very well patronised. The course was presented by Professor Holmer Savastano of Universidade de Sao Paolo, Brazil, Dr Stephen Akers of Akers Consulting, Switzerland and Mr Tony Cooke of Building Materials and Technology, Australia.
At the conference proper various authors presented 26 papers either by oral presentation or by poster.
At the conclusion of the conference delegates were offered the opportunity to visit factories or places relevant to the usage of inorganic bonded composites mainly fibre cement.
A total of 145 registrants attended the conference proper, 69 of those attended the fibre cement course. 12 Sponsors and Exhibitors contributed to once again a successful conference.
David Brice has been Operations Manager with Zeobond since 2007 and plays an integral part in the direction of the research and development team at Zeobond. Much of the research conducted by David and his team centres around Geopolymer Technology and advanced materials which will also be the subject of David’s presentation today.
David also has a very distinguished academic career. The recipient of no fewer than 6 awards for excellence in academic achievement whilst attending the University of Melbourne, David has also been recognised as an honorary fellow in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering.
The author of 3 International Journal Papers and Refereed Conference Papers, David’s committed research has earnt respect from his peers both nationally and internationally whilst his pioneering work is recognised as an Industry leader at this time and long into the future.