11th IIBCC, Madrid, Spain, 2008

After 20 years of hosting the IIBCC in North and South America, we move the event location to Europe. Madrid was the first European host city for the 2008 edition of IIBCC series.
At IIBCC 2008 we celebrated our 20th anniversary. In this edition once again around 160 main experts in our field from 33 different nationalities discussed the new trends and processes, as well as the improvements of the already consolidated ones.
The conference was the perfect platform to impulse ideas that joint us together. As we know, the conference was possible due to high quality program including technically and scientifically sound papers, enough time and activities for networking opportunities was also part of the success. Finally, the committed sponsorship was also very important, and with it all happening in a friendly environment.
The exhibition was very well attended by the delegates and many contacts and new business were done.
As part of the commemoration the organising committee established an Excellence Award to recognise the research which demonstrates the most outstanding contribution to research and practice in Inorganic Bonded Composites. After a taught competition the PHD student Alvaro Alonso and her supervisor Angeles Blanco form UCM were awarded.
Two technical visits were organised to Tolsa in Spain and to Traüllit in Sweden.
Development of ductile cementitious materials with wood fibres
Sierra-Beltran, M.G. ,, and Schlangen, E., Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Novel Bi-component Fibres for the Mechanical Reinforcement of Concrete
Kaufmann, J., Lübben,J., Empa, Swiss federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research, Switzerland and Schwitter, E., Fibrotec AG, Switzerland
Optimisation dry mortar product properties by application of acrylic fibres in consideration of fibre length/diameter
Bullinger, L. Dolan GmbH/Lenzing Plastics GmbH, Germany
Super ductile PVA fibre reinforced cement board
Hoshiro, H. , Ogawa, A., and Hitomi, Y., Kuraray Co.,Ltd, Japan
Hardwood pulp fibre as alternative to engineered cement based composites
Tonoli, GHD,,Savastano Jr. H., Rocco Lahr, F.A., University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, Fuente, E., Negro, C. and Blanco, A., UCM, Spain,
Application of natural fibres to replace asbestos in composite cement sheets
Ganjian,E. Coventry University, United Kuingdom, and Khorami, M., Building & Housing Research Centre, Iran
The effect of aluminous additives on the properties of autoclaved cellulose fibre cement
Cooke, T.M. , Australia, and Akers, S., Switzerland, A.C. Cubed Consulting
Effect of sepiolite on the behaviour of fibre-cement suspensions in the manufacture of fibre-reinforced cement
Fuente,E.,Jarabo,R., Mora,A., Negro, C., UCM, Spain, and Izquierdo, L., TOLSA S.A., Spain
Effect of microsilica on a polypropylene fibre reinforced product
Zhen, L., Elkem Materials, China and Zampieri, V., Ikai, S., Brasilit, Brasil
Technology and market consideration for fibre-cement composites
Moslemi, A., University of Idaho, USA
Selected issues of fibre-cement sustainability: wood pulp refining energy and accelerated ageing of fibres and composites
De Lhoneux, B., Alderweireldt, L., Bordin, R., Saenen, W., van der Heyden, L., Verleene, D., Redco NV, Belgium and Boersma, A., TNO Polymer Technology, The Netherlands
Eco-friendly inorganic-bonded sandwich panels (aerocon panels): production, properties and applications
Sunku, J , and Shankar, A. Hyderabad Industries Limited, India
Cost-effective composite building panels for walls and ceilings in Nigeria
Adedeji, Y. Federal University of Technology, Nigeria
Traullit large wall elements
Rückert, M., Traullit, Sweden
Wood strand cement board
Aro, M. University of Minnesotta, Duluth, USA
Dimensional stability of cement bonded particle board
Fan, M. Brunel University, UK and Dinwoodie, J., Building Research Establishment, UK
New developed large Eltomation plant capable to produce all types of: Wood Wool Cement Board (WWCB); Wood Strand Cement Board (WSCB-EltoBoard) and Large Wall Elements
van Elten, B., Eltomation, The Netherlands
The practice of manufacturing durisol material
Rohn, M., Durisol, Canada
Evaluation of the mechanical behaviour of fibre-cements by measuring the energy of fracture and impact energy
Santos,S.F., Dias,C., Savastano Jr., H., Vanderley, J, Tonoli, G.H.D, University of Säo Paulo, Brazil, and Silva, W., Superior Institute of Technology, Brazil
Evaluation of a flocculation dual system as a novel alternative for fibre-cement manufacture
Sánchez, L.M., Blanco, A., Fuente, E. and Negro, C., UCM, Spain
An original non destructive technique for fibre rate measurement
Autrique, L,, Cano,M. and Perez, L., Laboratoire de Mécanique et Ingénieries, IUT, France
Durability of self-compacting concrete reinforced with polymeric fibres: studies of interaction with environment and behaviour against high temperatures
Sánchez,M.C., Alonso, M.C., Rodríguez, C., “Eduardo Torroja” Institute of Construction Structures, Spain, and Barragán, B., Catalan Polytechnic University, Spain
Controlling alkalinity of cement matrix: a key approach to improve fiber-cement durability
Mansur,A A. P., do Nascimento,O., Mansur, H.S,, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Strength distribution of elementary flax fibres for composite reinforcement
Andersons, J., Sparnins, E., and Porike, E., University of Latvia, Latvia
Effect of Curing and Mix design types on Performance of Date Palm Fibres Reinforcement Concrete under hot dry environment
S. Abani, A. Kriker, A. Bali, University of Ouargla, Algeria
Effect of wood density on bending strength and dimensional movement of flakeboards from gmelina arborea leuceana leucocephala
Babatunde, A., Olufemi, B.O, Fuwape, J.A., Federal University of Technology, Nigeria, and Badejo, S.O.Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria
Cement based bonding materials for FRP strengthening of RC structures
Hashemi, S. and Al-Mahaidi, R., Monash University, Australia
A study on the machinability of Al2O3 particle reinforced aluminium alloy composite
Kök, M. , Imam University,Turkey
Evaluation of recirculating load of fine particles durgin the cement asbesto fibre composites production: a case study
Murillo Betioli,A., Barbosa de Souza,R., Giuliano Pileggi,R. and Vanderley M. J., Escola Politécnica, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
Effects of cane peeling and aqueous extraction on compatibility of two rattan species with portland cement
Olorunnisola, A.O. and Adefisan, O.O., University of Ibadan, Nigeria
Effect of fibre morphology on flocculation of fibre-cement suspensions
Tonoli, GHD, University of Sao Paolo, Brazil, Fuente, E., Blanco, A., Universty Complutense of Madrid, Spain, Savastano Jr. H.,University of Sao Paolo, Brazil, Rocco Lahr, F.A., University of Sao Paolo, Brazil., Negro, C. Universty Complutense of Madrid, Spain
Natural fibre as alternative for asbestos: properties and performance
Mansur,A.A.P.,and Mansur, H.S., Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Antimicrobial activity of triclosan and chlorexidine incorporated into cellulosic and asbesto reinforced cement composites
Mansur,A.A.P.,and Mansur, H.S., Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Basic research on the anchorage of textile reinforcement in cementitious matrix
Ortlepp, R and Lorenz, E,Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
Zeolite mineral as supplementary cementing materials in hastchek process in Cuba
Rosell Lam. M.B.,Technical Centre for Building Material Development, Cuba, Hernández, A. and Darboy, M. Artemisa, Cuba