Prof. Holmer Savastano Jr.
Professor in Construction and Environment
Professor in Construction and Environment
Department of Biosystems Engineering
University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil | View profile on ResearchGate
Chairman, IIBCC
Holmer Savastano Junior is a civil engineer (USP, 1984) and Doctor in Civil Construction Engineering (USP, 1992). He worked in the Forestry and Forest Products, CSIRO (1998–99) and has collaborated with Brazilian and international research groups and partnerships with the industry since 2001. Holmer is a Professor at the University of São Paulo (2005). He is the coordinator of the Research Center on Materials for Biosystems BioSMat, USP (2012–present).
IIBCC 2022 Scientific Committee (+ previous: 2018)
IIBCC 2022 Organising Committee (+ previous: 2018)
Water management and treatment | Research Lead |See more on the IIBCC-sponsored research projects
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